Novocastrian Swim Club

2022 Novo Swim Club AGM

The Novocastrian Swimming Club 2022 AGM is approaching and the following office bearer positions, along with general committee positions, are open for nomination this year:
✅ President
✅ Registrar
✅ Treasurer
As we are all aware for any club to run successfully, it needs the contribution of volunteers. We need many hands with varied skills and your contribution – large or small – will help to continue to make our club the great environment it is for our athletes.
If you’re interested in helping out in any way, please complete a nomination form from Team App and forward it to our Secretary, no later than Monday the 20th of June 2022.
If you would like any additional information, please don’t hesitate to speak to a current committee member or email us at
Please consider becoming involved.
Thank you